
воскресенье, 14 декабря 2014 г.

Thank-You Letter           
Dear Instructor,

    I am grateful to my Instructor, for being in this course because without you this course would not be as meaningful, useful, engaging and interactive and therefore successful as it turned out to be. This course was very efficient and interesting for me. I learnt and experienced a lot. This was an amazing adventure into the world of technology digital technology that still has lots of closed doors that are awaited to be discovered. Although my adventure into this world in the frames of this course is over, but my adventure as a teacher just begins and picks up speed. And I will try to make it as useful and valuable for my students as it was for me.

    Thank you!!!!                                                                                               Best Regards,                                                                                                   Anna. A

Final Remarks

     I started blogging a few months ago, to be more precise 4 months ago due to the “New Technologies” course that discovered a completely new world for me that I was not aware of before. Without it I would never have learnt about blogging. It is kind of funny, living in the digital era and not be able to make use of such resources. I consider the fact that I have never used blogging was because I was not aware of its implications as a student, network user and moreover as TEFL professional. Now I understand that blogging is the part of my life and even after finishing this course I will still go on using it.
   This is only one of the new tech tools that I have learnt and understood during this course.

    But what else?

    This course gave an amazing opportunity to discover and explore a completely new world, digital world that I was not aware of before. This course is definitely the best course I`ve ever had. It gave a chance to dive into the depths of new technological tools, and what’s important to see education in a new light. During this course I got acquainted with and learnt many diverse technological innovations that can be implemented into teaching/ learning process, making it more effective, informative, interactive, engaging and interesting and therefore create huge opportunities for 21st century digital learners. Owing to this course I became technologically literate and skillful not only theoretically, but also gained invaluable experience due to our practical sessions. I am glad that now I am more informed about new approaches and their implementation in teaching/learning process.
    There are tools that I will definitely be using in my teaching. Blogs will help my learners to develop their writing skills, turn them into creators and users, and provide the interactive and interesting learning environment for them. Among the cloud computing google applications I will use Google Drive for creating google docs, and Google groups, for discussions outside the class, etc. which is very helpful for creating the collaborative learning platform for the learners. Video games are another tool that I am also going to use mainly with the low level students. However, I will try to be careful, because basically the essence of video games is to distract rather than to teach. Podcasts are also important tool for listening activities. I would also integrate digital story-telling to help my students to develop their language skills and produce the language they learnt. I will also use video and audio production tools to enhance my students’ creativity and help them to shift from the role of consumer to the role of producer.

     Thus, I'm very glad that I had the chance to take this course which gave me a broad and clear understanding of implementing new technologies both for educational and life purposes and also experience in the application of these new technological tools. Finally, it taught me how to become a life-long and autonomous learner, which, nowadays is quite necessary and valuable quality to possess. All of this knowledge and skills I will gladly pass to my students.

 Armenian K-12 and Higher Education vs Horizon Report 2014 

Comparing Armenian higher education and K-12 to the Horizon reports, the following points have been highlighted
v Rethinking the roles of the teachers
I consider the role of the teachers in Armenia won’t change, because, teachers were, are and will be the center of the classroom and nothing can make them concede their place to the student centered classrooms to make them autonomous learners. Therefore they should allow students to change their roles from consumers to producers.

v Shift to Deeper Learning Approaches
In Armenia students mainly make use of old, “Soviet” books and teachers mainly focus on grammar-translation method where students only read and translate texts. Classes do not have any authentic materials or interesting tasks and activities. However, it is not our teachers’ fault, because traditional way of teaching still exists and teachers either do not know about new methods and techniques that can be very useful in acquiring this or that material or probably they know, but simply do not want to prepare lesson plans, to create and design activities, to put efforts in what they do. Instead they’d better stick to their initially established way of teaching and “do not bother their teaching routine.”
When teaching, we do not want our students focus only on learning language as it is, but alongside to solve problems, to collaborate, to develop critical thinking skills, create and be engaged in the learning process that will help them to get more experienced and acknowledgeable. During their life time they will face many problems demanding solutions, that’s why schools should pay attention to this fact by implementing authentic situations into the school curriculums in order to prepare them to the real life problems and be able to find solutions and therefore  easily to be integrated into the community.

v Increasing Use of Hybrid Learning Designs
It is difficult to speak about technology, because schools do not want to implement new methods of teaching, moreover new technological tools that are so important and efficient in learning language. Therefore speaking about technology in Armenia is not as easy as it seems. Schools in Armenia do not only use technology, moreover they are not equipped with modern devices, like projector, computers, even Internet access. Students in Armenia are not aware of such concept as working, developing and improving their skills via new tech tools. If such things are happening in cities and towns, imagine what’s going on in rural areas of our country. Nowadays, in most of the rural areas Internet is a great finding. In case of existing it serves as a tool for getting into social networks. Though many new tech tools and applications won’t work in Armenia mainly in rural areas nowadays, it is quite useful and important for teachers to know about them and in case of possibility to use, however the majority do not know about these wonderful resources that can help them and be beneficial for their students not only from the language learning perspective, but also from the perspective of being knowledgeable of tech tools and their implication in our life.

v Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities
It is quite important to create authentic learning environment in EFL classroom settings, because authentic learning encourages and helps students to occur and bring about real life experiences, and let outside world creep into inside world in the frames of classroom. This type of learning is created through real life tasks, simulation games that facilitate and stimulate students and enable to connect directly with the real world. In Armenia this type of learning as well as others does not exist.

v Gaming
Nowadays many students play computer and video games. These games can serve as a tool guiding them to improve their learning skills and develop their 21st century skills, life skills. Among the main skills are promoting collaboration and problem solving, developing critical thinking skills, ability to quickly make a decision which nowadays is very important and demanding, but difficult. Therefore, the role of the teacher is to show the reverse side of the coin – of playing games-that can provide students with knowledge and skills that can be implicated for educational and life purposes.
v “Flipped classroom”
Flipped classroom is a new model aimed at helping teacher to organize time spent in and outside of classroom and pass the ownership of learning to students. In this type of model class time is transformed into a social space and allocated to project-based learning where students collaborate, work team wise to solve real-world problems and challenges, and therefore gain deeper understanding of the subject authentically.

v Learning Analytics
In Armenia, EFL classrooms and other classrooms comprise more or less 30 students. It is quite difficult for the teacher to track all of them simultaneously , therefore it would be reasonable to make use of learning analytics where teacher would be able to track students throughout their learning process, their overall performance, challenges, dropout rates, due assignments and so forth. Based on the data collected teacher would be able to offer students help and improve their current learning position.

To conclude, it is quite necessary for English teachers in Armenia to completely change their way of teaching, integrate new methods and techniques and discover the world of new high technological tools, because we live in the world where the education is gradually being digitalized and therefore to share knowledge to students by using the new and efficient ways of teaching.

Cloud Computing 

  When you’re undertaking a new business or some other institution you need a system that will enable you to manage and share any kind of information or data easily. However, you are tired of sharing, storing a bigger data and saving all of your documents in hardware, in a computer. Then your right solution is cloud computing.   
   What does it mean?

    Cloud computing is a term, used to describe a large system of computers which are connected to each other through a real-time communication and  provides  an opportunity to run a program in different computers at the same time.

    Now, let’s see what cloud computing can offer us.

    Owing to cloud computing we can create one document and have multiple users in it, thus promoting real-time communication and collaboration between the learners, for  instance like in Wikis or Google Drive. Secondly, one of the priorities of cloud computing is that you don’t have to install  new programs and can have an access your data whenever and wherever you want to without carrying memory card with you everywhere. What do we do then? We simply log into different softwares and start using them. Therefore, it is quite economical in terms of the hardware and software. Cloud computing is scalable and reliable, because it allows us to store everything securely online (in the cloud.) Another advantage of cloud computing is its cost-effectiveness. To make it clearer, let’s view this point from the educational perspective. You want to share your data with all of your students, but in order to keep it all you need a bigger server .This type of servers will cost you a lot, to make it precise more than you can afford and therefore will limit the number of students who can access and use the program simultaneously. In this case cloud computing is a better alternative which will enable you to reduce that large amount of expenses and use them only in extra-cases.
    As many tech tools, cloud computing also has its disadvantages, like being too much Internet dependent. This means that when the connection of the internet is slow or breaks down all that computer connected system loses access to the internet. There also may be some privacy issues, connected with confidentiality of the data stored in the cloud. However these disadvantages do not veil our vision to see the advantages of cloud computing. It`s reliable, secure, and efficient to keep data , convenient, cost effective, economical and needs less downloading or installing and finally, provides collaboration, productivity and mobility both in terms of education and undertaking business. 

For more information watch the following video: 

воскресенье, 7 декабря 2014 г.

Learning Analytics 


          What is analytics? This word is always associated with either statistics or metrics. However, analytics is the detection and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Consequently, analyzing and analyzing data is a necessary tool in every field that helps to make decisions and find solutions to problems that arise around the world.
    Analyzing data, i.e. its collection and measurement is quite crucial in the field of education. But what is the purpose of analyzing this data and what can the results of this data give us? The answer is quite simple and can be easily anticipated. It enables us to create more solid grounds and make more valid, objective and reliable decisions rather than to rely on our instincts or experiences of individuals. Therefore the best term that is more applicable in this case is learning analytics.

  What is Learning Analytics?

       Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners, the purpose of which is to understand and evaluate this or that issue connected with their learning and the environment in which the learning occurs. The key that can help us to get the answers as to how form education is Big Data. Big Data is a plethora of data and datasets that are enormously big and can capture, store, manage and analyze them. Learning analytics provides evidence about the success and also challenges of the learning environment that can help to take further steps according to the results of the analyzed data. Owing to academic analytics we can intercede when learners are having problems, i.e. detect performance difficulties and provide immediate feedback; predict future learners’ performance, and build predicting model profiles of students who are at risk, i.e. dropout rates and therefore offer those students help; whereas owing to learning analytics learners can get up-to-date information about their own learning, and try to improve it based on the evidence given by the learning analytics. Therefore with the help of the learning analytics we can make the quality of the teaching and learning more efficient.
     The history of learning analytics dates back to the recent rise in popularity of MOOCs. Education acquired through these online courses assesses large groups of learners. At the same time it constitutes sets of learner activity data that can be used to develop analytics. Analytics will be able to follow students’ digital traces in online or virtual learning environments in order to improve teaching and learning and the environments in which these take place. (Ferguson, 2014) You may consider that you are spying on your students. However, this is the best opportunity for you to control all of your students’ learning process at once. This is also a good way for students, because they are always organized and structured. Therefore they offer ways for learners to improve and develop while a course is in progress. Mostly, these analytics focus on the development and measurement of key skills: reflective, collaborative, and networking skills.  Isn’t it simple?
    Imagine a situation where you assign a task to your students, but you are not sure whether they remember about it or whether they come across any difficulties while doing it. What are you going to do? You will wait for the next class to find answers to your questions. This is a familiar, traditional situation in a traditional school. Let’s take a minute and think that you are using new tech tools and platforms in your teaching and you are assigning task in www.moodle.com or other platform. Here you have various opportunities, like discussions boards, where your students can communicate with you and their peers and ask questions referring to this or that assignment. What’s more important you can follow their learning process, for instance how or when they study how many times one logged in to check the homework assignment, how active he/ she was in the  discussion boards.  
For more information follow this link on TEDTALKS by Daphne Koller
and by Rebecca Ferguson
You may find their information useful and helpful .They both provide a clear understanding of what the learning analytics is about.

P. S.
Upon completion their education we must make sure that students leave the program with detailed knowledge in the area of their specialization, alongside with the skills necessary to keep on throughout their lives.  They need critical skills to estimate and evaluate information and situations, reflective skills to design new activities and skills in networking to act team wise, either as a team member or team leader. Learning analytics will help to develop these skills.

суббота, 29 ноября 2014 г.


    21st century high technological tools have become indispensable part of education. Due to these tools it became possible to manage learning in an organized, effective and manageable way. Among these technological tools or platforms are Learning Management System or LMS and Personal Learning Environment or PLE. LMS and PLE are quite different, but considered as one of the successful management systems that contribute to community learning, fostering communication and collaboration among individuals and groups.
      Remember how years ago in order to get information about homework or new lesson, you had to see your teacher and clarify your questions or call your classmates; or you had to go to the libraries and find information related to your lessons. Today you don’t have to go anywhere and ask anyone about this or that question, because you can easily solve this problem using LMS, to be precise having an access to LMS.
     Generally LMS is set by an institution, e.g. a university. LMS gives the learners chance to access and obtain the content (e.g. home assignments), perform different kinds of activities including having discussion forums and live synchronous conferences with each other, receive feedback or grades etc. LMS is a centralized tool, where the center of learning and performing activities is the same platform for all the community members. LMS learners can get an access to the collaborative environment, but with the condition of having their own accounts, otherwise communication will be impossible. When you perform different activities, lot of the data is accumulated and stored there. When you leave the university, you leave LMS, the data remains in the system, and it becomes unmanageable by you, but only by the LMS who can share your data whoever they want to.
     In comparison to LMS, PLE is aimed at providing learners with more opportunities for autonomous learning and self-development. PLE is a decentralized tool, where the center of the system is you. You can access to your content from different corners of the web. As far as you are the one who is managing your data, it is up to you where you can store your data, what system you trust.

P. S.
    I suppose each of us is familiar with both of these platforms, though now we can get better understanding and difference between them. Being a student I have an access to www.moodle.aua. In the very beginning it was difficult for me to understand how this system works; how to find home assignments, due dates or deadlines so that you know beforehand what you have to submit; grades, discussion forums or how to perform online activities such as quizzes or fill out questionnaires. I got some instructions during workshop on using Moodle. It’s been a year and a half since I have been using Moodle and I am really glad that such system exists which became an indispensable part of my learning environment.
    When working on my home assignments or group projects I make use of various social websites or environments. Along with when exploring the web I download the files that are of main importance to me. The problem is where to keep them either on a computer or flash drive or in a web service. I prefer to keep all of my files in  www.dropbox.com 

For more information please go to this link 
and watch the video by Stephen Downes. He gives a very distinct and informative explanation about LMS and PLE, states the differences between these two platforms and the reasons regarding incorporation of LMS and PLE in education.

воскресенье, 23 ноября 2014 г.

Distance Learning 

Nowadays education and learning are more and more replaced by indirect instruction.
What does it mean indirect instruction? Indirect instruction is generally equated with distance learning.
You will ask: “Can that distance learning be associated with MOOC?”
I will definitely say: “Yes”. MOOC is a recent development in distance online learning.
So what is Distance learning?
Distance learning or distance education is a way of learning remotely without being in regular face-to-face communication with a teacher in the classroom. The privilege of distance learning system is an opportunity to fit your learning around your work and home life which is mostly difficult, expensive and time-consuming to realize in a real life. When learning through distance learning you can set your own pace of study or goal, for instance, period of time you will be able to learn language. You can also set when and where you study. Despite the fact where you live you can gain a degree from anywhere in the world. Upon completion the course students get a certificate.
Having distance learning implies distance teaching. In distance teaching the educator should put more effects to convey all of the materials properly taking into account the fact that learning is not carried out in a real classroom but via social network.  In distance learning, it is difficult to observe the learners and identify their needs and preferences. It is also challenging to provide immediate feedback to the learners. According to C. White (1994) in education teachers should follow several maxims which are quite necessary in face-to-face learning, but are critically viewed in distance learning. First of all, the educator should make the learner more motivated, encouraged and what‘s important confident about his/ her abilities. Secondly, educators should always provide appropriate explanation of any linguistic point, be it grammar, vocabulary and so forth, as far as in distance learning they should be very careful and attentive so that learners won’t miss a point. Though it is surprising, but the criteria of honesty is also important in distance learning, due to the fact that educator should always tell the learners the truth about their language competence and performance progression. Finally, the educator should be open, i.e. the learners should always feel free to approach their educator and send emails whenever they have questions concerning lessons.  Being open also implies  being patient, sympathetic and providing encouragement.
    When learning via distance education students have to be more autonomous, self-controlled, self-directed and independent and develop these skills respectively. They have to control their self-management at first and be more careful while planning their work carefully.
      Distance learning is a very good means for the learners who live, for example, in remote areas and don't have good teachers in that area. This is also a convenient way for students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom and learners who are separated by time and distance.
      Taking into account all of the mentioned advantages, distance learning also possesses some advantages. Foremost it lacks face-to-face communication. I know you will say, all of the social websites are non-face-to-face communication. However, we forget that we talk about teaching and learning, where teacher-student communication and interaction should be carried out in a real authentic environment, where both “participants” can see and feel everything that happens during the learning process. Besides, it will be more useful and fun and effective to learn in a real classroom where you can share your thoughts, opinions, experiences, in other words communicate and collaborate than to focus only on individual working style and therefore get isolated, which this or that way will lead to this. 

P. S.

To be honest, I have always been willing to learn Spanish. Yes. Being at school and at the university I studied French and German. The latter is more proficient. Anyway, where I live there are no good teachers of Spanish. As we know the best way to learn language is to go to the target language country. BUT, this is difficult and time-consuming because I am getting master’s degree and working. Besides, I am not intended to live my family and move to another country now. Of course, that would be great if I could at least know “middle” Spanish so that when I go to Spain I could communicate enough with people and understand them.
    I did not give up, because this is my personality and I started to look for online courses that would help me to reach my goal. The first website that I found was http://www.babbel.com/- an interactive online course for all of the levels, which can bring fats progress and fun with it.
Progressing my searches, I found   http://www.livemocha.com and http://www.busuu.com. These websites are really great. During the learning progress I had lots of fun. I think I am making success. I do not want to compare, but most of all I liked Busuu.com and especially the idea of creating my own garden Both of these websites provide you with an opportunity to interact with the community members, native speakers as well as with of the learnt language via chat, commenting under posts and so forth. This helps to improve English language skills and learn ant other language at the same time. You receive immediate feedback. The more you learn the more berries and badges you earn to keep you motivated.
Finally while learning I can follow my progress, I go back and recall what I have learned as many times as I need. I have to admit that distance learning matches my needs and provides an opportunity y to learn effectively. After spending an hour and learning Spanish I was no tired at all .It’s like time’s stopped for a while; stopped to help me to fulfill my language needs now.

    Do not ever give up on pursuing your dream. We live in the 21st century where everything can become possible. It is possible. Start with learning your desired language. This might be difficult, but making use of these websites learning adventure will become more effective, full of fun and give you the opportunity to practice your skills with native speakers.